Program committee:
- Russell Almond (Florida State University, USA)
- Alessandro Antonucci (IDSIA, Switzerland)
- Cassio P. de Campos (Queens University, UK)
- Hei Chan (The Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Japan)
- Arthur Choi (UCLA, UCLA)
- Adnan Darwiche (UCLA, USA)*
- Robin Evans (University of Oxford, UK)
- Luca Faes (University of Trento, Italy)
- David Heckerman (Microsoft, USA)*
- Antti Hyttinen (University of Helsinki, Finland)
- Aapo Hyvarinen (University of Helsinki, Finland)*
- Seiya Imoto (University of Tokyo, Japan)
- Yoshinobu Kawahara (Osaka university, Japan)
- Manabu Kuroki (The Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Japan)
- Jose A. Lozano (University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, Spain)
- Peter Lucas (Institute for Computing and Information Sciences, The Netherlands)
- Brandon Malone (Max Planck Institute, Germany)
- Alessio Moneta (Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Italy)
- Yoichi Motomura (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan)
- Petri Myllmaki (University of Helsinki, Finland)*
- Judea Pearl (UCLA, USA)*
- Jose M. Pena (Linkoping University)
- Hiroshi Sakamoto (Kyuushu Institute of Technology, Japan)
- Shohei Shimizu (Osaka university, Japan)
- Peter Spirtes (CMU, USA)*
- Milan Studeny (Institute of Information Theory and Automation, Czech Republic)*
- Joe Suzuki (Osaka University)**
- Maomi Ueno (University of Electro Communications)**
- Yi Wang (Institute of High Performance Computing, Singapore)
- Takashi Washio (Osaka University, Japan)*
- Changhe Yuan (Queens College/CUNY, USA)
- Jiji Zhang (Lingnan University, Hong Kong)
- Kun Zhang (University of Southern California, USA)
(** Chair, * Adviser)